In a study of more than 60 substances chosen for their possible antikeratinogenic properties, Van Scott and Yu [1] found that the most effective drug belongs to the group of alpha-hydroxy acids. A three times a day application of citric, glycolic, lactic, malic, pyruvic and glucuronic acid, for instance, gave excellent results in all forms of ichthyosis except epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. The …
The typical definition of the genome is often dualistic, referen-cing both structural features and its function to store and transmitbiological information [4]. For example, the US National Institutesof Health (NIH) uses the following definition: “A genome is anorganism’s complete set of DNA, including all of its genes. Eachgenome contains all of the information needed to build and main-tai…
Today the demand for a sustainable clothing care system is higher than ever due to the continuous environmental impact caused by this system. When it comes to the environment (The State of Fashion 2020, 2020), the fashion industry record is well documented. Fashion accounts for 20 to 35 percent of microplastic flows into the ocean and outweighs the …
The processing of plant ingredients for food has characterized the genus Homo, with the grinding, fermentation and cooking of plant ingredients improving their nutrient intake and leading to increases in brain-size, improved population sustainability, and cultural development (e.g. Stahl 1989; Wrangham 2009). Plants have fed human societies since Palaeolithic times and th…
This volume brings a sociologist of curriculum and history educators, from a range of contexts, into dialogue on questions of knowledge and knowing – questions about what school history should and could be, as an activity and mode of engaging with the world, and questions about what school history education should and could look like and be about. Like all tr…
In normal ageing, bodies and brains slow down, though intelligence remains stable. Aging leads people to take more time to process information and learn new knowledge, and people appear to be physically and mentally less flexible. Memory changes occur as well, and elderly and older have greater difficulty remembering names and places, and complex notions. Compared to normal ag…
The founder of Hera the Light of Women, Mrs. Marianela Mirpuri told me about her idea to have a Poetry Anthology and challenged me to write and coordinate the first anthology for Hera the Light of Women. My first feelings where if I should be able to do it and thank her for trusting me. Then doubts came into my spirit, as I was not used, since long time to write in English (besides Hera’s hym…
Penulis buku bestseller versi New York Times, The Geography of Bliss, Eric Weiner, melakukan perjalanan intelektual yang berliku, mengikuti jejak para pemikir besar dalam sejarah dan menunjukkan kepada kita bagaimana para filsufdari Epicurus hingga Gandhi, Thoreau hingga Beauvoirmenawarkan kearifan serta kebijaksanaan praktis dan spiritual untuk masa-masa ambyar seperti sekarang. Kita kembali …
: Cowarmoka–Community Water Resources Management on Karst Area–merupakan pengelolaan air bersih berbasis masyarakat di daerah karst yang diprakarsai oleh tim peneliti dari Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Cowarmoka lahir dari rahim sebuah program pengelolaan air bersih yang sebelumnya sudah dicanangkan di Desa Ligarmukti, Kecamatan Klapanunggal, Bogor. Oleh para peneliti LIPI, le…
Dalam pesona dunia....Biwara dan cucurut, kita dapat melihat kehidupan mereka dari dekat. Bagaimana mereka membuat sarang, mencari makan, dan membesarkan anaknya semuanya dijelaskan secara rinci, membantu memperluas wawasan dan khasanah pengetahuan anak-anak