Few studies have addressed recent emigration from European countries. The refu-gee crisis and migratory pressure have helped keep academic attention over the last few decades focused on immigration, asylum, reception and integration in Europe. However, these dynamics promoting entries into European countries coexist with other fairly significant dynamics promoting departures fro…
‘All right, so here we are in front of the elephants.’ This is the opening sentence of the first video ever uploaded to YouTube.1 What started in 2005 as an online platform for the upload of ‘homemade videos’ and the sharing of ‘ordinary people’s lives’ quickly became the nucleus of an intricate web of audiovisual interactions that reached through and beyond cyberspace. The year 2…
Sure, paleontologist and historians can make a virtue out of necessity (see, e.g.,Muir,1991; Zemon Davis,2010:5–6; Peltonen,2012; Bassi,2016), but the com-monsensical assumption is that immediate observation and interrogation of phenom-ena in their entirety are preferable—time travel would be more effective.1However,the recourse to traces is getting more frequent not only for studying the h…
Whether a Kuhnian change of paradigms in business or simply a new way of performing traditional activities, the gig economy is a latent issue, and its regula-tion is extremely diverse in the Member States of the European Union (EU). Its very terminology is still the object of debate. The beatific initial designation of the ‘sharing economy’ is curren…
ll the research we present in this book took place in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen (Datalogisk Institut Københavns Universitet [DIKU]), in Denmark. Thus, our work is situated in Denmark, and since gender is culturally shaped (Butler 1999), providing some contextual information about the Computer Science Department is important. The Univer…
The term ‘bioeconomy’ is commonly met with a sense of uncertaintyregarding its meaning and purpose. In general, there are three differentfields of public and scientific debate about the bioeconomy. NicholasGeorgescu-Roegen (1971) referred to the bioeconomy as a transforma-tional pathway towards a degrowth society. In contrast, the debate about‘biocapitalism’ focuses on the commodificati…
The belief in the existence of evil forces was part of ancient everyday life and a phenomenon deeply embedded in popular thought of the Greek world. Stemming from a conference held in Athens in June 2021, this volume addresses the apotropaia and phylakteria from different perspectives: via literary sources, archaeological material, and iconography.
The Routledge Modern Greek Reader has been specially designed for post-beginners to advanced learners of Greek. Written by an experienced instructor, this innovative reader offers both students and teachers of Modern Greek the pedagogical tools to utilise richly textured folktale material in a language class. Students can develop their linguistic skills while simultaneously engaging with the…
This book investigates the ways in which the social purposes of adult education are (re)interpreted over time, and between the global south and global north. It brings together thirty-seven authors from fourteen countries with extensive experience as academics and/or practitioners in the field. The book is inspired by the work and life of Lalage Bown, a leading proponent of post-colonial and in…