This anthology brings together cutting-edge research and insightful analysis from experts in linguistics and foreign language education. Applying different methodological approaches to the analysis of social media, researchers from different fields explore how platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are reshaping communication, language learning, and teaching methodologies. From the powe…
Effective color selection can be a powerful element in any design. "Interior Color By Design" takes the mystery out of the color application process by: Providing over 250 color samples to experiment with different combinations Featuring over 100 full-color images that illustrate key concepts like adjacent colors and overall design Exploring the interactive effects of color combinations on inte…
Hip hop is from the United States. So, in Vietnam they copy from gangsterrap videos, right?” “Hip hop is violent and misogynistic. So, why should it bea good thing for young Vietnamese people to engage with hip hop?” These aresome of the many concerned questions that I am often confronted with whentellingpeopleaboutmyresearchonyouthandhiphopinVietnam.Whatthesequestions imply, among many o…
First study on empty places in photography and the Covid-19 pandemic. In the aftermath of Covid-19, the subject of ‘empty places’ has gained renewed topicality and resonance. Watching, Waiting presents a collection of essays that brings emptiness into interdisciplinary focus as an object of study that extends beyond the present. The contributors approach the specific interrelationships of p…
Yet we cannot foreclose the extent to which some thinkers and theorists, especially looking back over the long arc of TV reception, have raised concerns about the medium’s deleterious potential: its apparent agency in human dissipation and degeneracy. While Raymond Williams offered a critical materialist approach equipped with a searing interest in how serious criticism of …
The "global" is permanently made and remade by how it is envisioned in political projects, in language, and in literature. Through a range of case studies, this book shows how practices of referring to the world actually constitute the global in its many facets. It aims to provide a sense in readers of how the global is not something »out there«, but that it is embedded in a wide range of the…
"The series “Russia and the Asia-Pacific” explores political, economic, social, cultural and environmental interactions of the Russian Far East within its Asian-Pacific context as well as with the Russian capital in the past and present. Its first volume addresses from a multidisciplinary perspective notably the following questions: How were and are directives from a centre thousands of kil…
London is by turns cutting edge and ancient, refined and gritty, and the streets of this city of contrasts are lined with idiosyncratic and beautiful architechture. This book describes over 50 key structures in authoritive and compelling style. The accompanying illustrations press out of the page, transforming your book into a cityspace to treasure and display.
In Betty Smith’s description of the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), also known as the “ghetto palm,” the tree is contrasted with the memory of a school poem that evoked the “forest primeval” with its “murmuring pines and hemlocks.” For Smith, writing in the early 1940s, the presence of this tree was a marker, or even harbinger, of neighbourhood decline. The tree of heaven se…
LIPI Press berkolaborasi dengan Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Dunia menerbitkan rangkaian buku seri Indonesia Emas Berkelanjutan 2045: Kumpulan Pemikiran Pelajar Indonesia Sedunia. Rangkaian bunga rampai ini terdiri dari 12 buku dengan sejumlah topik yang mendukung Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan atau Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) untuk mencapai tujuan Indonesia Emas 2045. Buku in…