This anthology brings together cutting-edge research and insightful analysis from experts in linguistics and foreign language education. Applying different methodological approaches to the analysis of social media, researchers from different fields explore how platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are reshaping communication, language learning, and teaching methodologies. From the powe…
My dad had high hopes for me to become a profession-al golfer. In my early teens, I could out-drive his golfing buddies, who would gape at my easy swing and hand–eye–body precision. This would pump up my father’s de-termination to groom my natural ability. He entered me in summer tournaments throughout the Pacific North-west. But I lacked the cutthroat drive…
Despite claiming to offer surveys of “world comics,” global histories of graphic narrative replicate some of the aporias present in the relatively impossible category of “world” or “global” literature.2 Even more narrowly defined surveys of European comics focus primarily on the “Franco-Belgian” tradition, thus swiftly setting aside …
Herbs in antiquity touch on so many aspects of human activity that the advice of classicists, botanists, horticulturalists, linguists, medical historians, physicians, and sociologists has been essential. The first Getty Museum publication on the subject was The Herb in Antiquity written in 1976 by Deborah Ashin in response to the interest of visitors. My great appreciation and gratitude go to J…
Incorporates etymology, history, art, drawing, and reflective writing to support medical students in the integration of the science and humanity of anatomy. A comprehensive and holistic understanding of human anatomy is foundational to the care of patients. The Reflector is an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to the learning of human anatomy; it incorporates etymology, history, art, dr…
Let me make a brief comment about pastimes here. Some may frown on pastimes as being play without purpose. However, this is absolutely not the case. I hardly need to cite Homo Ludens (The Person Who Plays), that 1938 book about the importance of play in culture by the famous European historian Johan Huizinga (1872–1945), to make the case that a culture that loses the element of p…
The brief literature review above demonstrates the necessity of a compre-hensive inquiry into the methodological ramifications of the “world-Christian turn”. This volume gives methodology the center stage and aspires to spark the debate on methodology. To that end, we as editors have purposely invited a diverse group of contributors from a variety of academic backgrounds (anthr…
Pauktuutit fosters greater awareness of the needs of Inuit women, advocates for equity and social improvements, and encourages their participation in the community, regional and national life of Canada. Pauktuutit leads and supports Canadian Inuit women in policy development and community projects in all areas of interest to them, for the social, cultural, political and economic betterment of t…
Obyek kajian ilmu hukum tata negara adalah negara.18 Dimana negara dipandang dari sifatnya atau pengertiannya yang konkrit. Artinya obyeknya terikat pada tempat, keadaan dan waktu tertentu. Hukum tata negara merupakan cabang ilmu hukum yang membahas tatanan, struktur kenegaraan, mekanisme hubungan antara struktur organ atau struktur kenegaraan serta mekanisme hubungan antara struktur negara dan…