The film opens with shots of a barbed wire fence, warning signs, and bar-riers, accompanied by a dramatic score and an omniscient voice-over that embeds the historical situation depicted on screen within a particular nar-rative. The narrator explains that the film is the story of East German fac-tory worker Anna Kaminski (Eva Kotthaus) and West German border guard Carl Altmann (Eri…
This is a book about the experiences, hopes, fears, responses and re-actions of Circumpolar people who are engaging with rapidly shifting environmental circumstances. As reflected in our opening quotation, these changing conditions herald futures that may well be global, but that Arctic inhabitants are trying to imagine even as they develop strategies to cope with today’s event…
In 2020, a group of European researchers got a European Union (EU) grant to do a project called TRANSFORM. The objective of TRANSFORM was to integrate the principle of responsible research and innovation (RRI) into the research and innovation policies of three European regions: Lombardy, Brussels, and Catalonia. This book tells the story of how TRANSFORM translated RRI into practice, all the wa…