Discrepancies in biobank research regulations have commonly been regarded as one of the most significant hurdles for effective research collaboration. One of the more central aspects of biobank research regulation concerns the use of personal data—health and genetic data and other information related to individuals, either as indi-vidual research subjects or participants in a particular scien…
This is a book about the experiences, hopes, fears, responses and re-actions of Circumpolar people who are engaging with rapidly shifting environmental circumstances. As reflected in our opening quotation, these changing conditions herald futures that may well be global, but that Arctic inhabitants are trying to imagine even as they develop strategies to cope with today’s event…
The COVID-19 pandemic has reorganized existing methods of exchange, turning comparatively marginal technologies into the new normal. Multipoint videoconferencing in particular has become a favored means for web-based forms of remote communication and collaboration without physical copresence. Taking the recent mainstreaming of videoconferencing as its point of departure, this anthology examines…
he first chapter of this section traces Marcin Giz ̇ycki’s personal animation journey since 1980.As editor- in-chief of the ASIFAquarterly Animafilm,he published the now infamous definition on animation,which was agreed to at the Board’s meeting,taking place at the Animafest Zagreb in the same year: ‘The art of animation is the creation of moving images through the manipulation of all va…