Legitimacy is a common theme in political and social research. It is conventionallyseen to play a fundamental role in any political system. Discussions of what it doesto social and political life have occupied deep minds in sociology, philosophy, andpolitical science.¹ Yet the most commonly stated reason to care about legitimacy inpolitical analysis comes down to a belief about its effects. Le…
Each morning before sunrise an army of traders arrive at their desks,switch on their screens, and start fielding calls. On most days, the flow oftrades that pass through their hands represents the normal activity of anever-deepening, globally interdependent financial market. These traderscoordinate a complicated international marketplace, where orders usu-ally come from institutional investors …
A comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide to understanding and managing your diabetes. Silver Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Awards (Health & Fitness) by the Independent Book Publishers Association; Winner of the Best Book Award (Health: Medical Reference) by the American Book Fest; Silver Winner of Book Award (Education) by the National Health Information Awards Diabetes Head to Toe is an inval…
In one of her last interviews, composer, musician, humanitarian, and electronic music innovator Pauline Oliveros (1932–2016) discussed a lesser-known project, a computer and iPad application called Adaptive Use Musical Instruments, or more commonly, Instrument (henceforth “AUMI”).1 AUMI’s purpose is to support music makers of all abilities. …
The ocean is of great importance to earth, not just to coastal nations but also to landlocked communities and countries. The ocean regulates our planet. It produces vast amounts of the oxygen we breathe and acts as a global climate control system by absorbing, storing, and releasing heat and gasses. It is a source of food and essential nutri…
This book is the outcome of a joint experiment—an experimental exercise in university–industry relationship building between our institutions: BMW and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU). To be sure, our institutions have always had good and trusting relationships between individual experts—long before our time in leadership roles. People at BMW and FAU have been in…
A decade ago, it was still somewhat conventional to start a study by writ-ing how “esports is a novel phenomenon.” As we write this introduction in 2021, that is no longer true. Today, more than a thousand studies have been published on esports, including several books and special issues. Moreover, the work is no longer conducted purely in the “game studies” related fields, bu…
I would like to preface this study with an example taken from what couldperhaps be termed the “Great Global Vortex” of the twenty-first century: theinternet. On YouTube, we can find two short clips, each starring an imposingand controversial figure in the history of British art and literature. The firstis a less than minute long newsreel clip from 1938 in which British modernistpainter, wri…
In the post-apocalyptic scenario of Douglas Adams’ 1979 novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, one person escapes the destruction of Earth and struggles to explain to aliens what humanity was like. Other sci-fi civilisations may be more advanced, but they fail to understand us. It may be that they are missing the informal dimension that escapes offi-cial…
In 2007,the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministe-rium für Bildung undForschung)instituted theKäte HamburgerInternational Cen-tres (KHK) with the purpose of advancinginnovative,interdisciplinary,and inter-nationallyvisible research in the social sciencesand the humanities. In the secondround of calls of proposals for KHK theMinistry widened the reach by funding twoc…