This is a book about the experiences, hopes, fears, responses and re-actions of Circumpolar people who are engaging with rapidly shifting environmental circumstances. As reflected in our opening quotation, these changing conditions herald futures that may well be global, but that Arctic inhabitants are trying to imagine even as they develop strategies to cope with today’s event…
At a first conference in Frankfurt, in 2016, we met to discuss Les usages de la temporalité dans les sciences sociales.9 Then, our focus was on the disciplines and their particular ways of structuring and shaping the past. We asked since when certain disciplines had begun to use specific periodisation schemes, and whether these schemes, and with them the introduction of temporality as a key co…
Behind all the food that we eat is a vast realm of unaccounted for interactions:the diversion of water from rivers; the extraction of nutrients from soil; thedischarge of pollutants to air and water; the exaction of labor to grow, manage,pick, and package; the release of carbon dioxide to transport and deliver; and soon. When we shine a light on these interactions it becomes clear that a 99¢ha…
World War II radically altered the image of many European cities. Some, like Warsaw and Dresden, were almost completely destroyed, and became symbols both of war-time barbarism and of the recuperative power of their respective nations. Others, like Wroc?aw (previously Breslau) and Lviv (previously Lwów-Lvov), were assigned by the signatories of international treaties to a different st…
Historically speaking, Danish is a dialect of a common Scandinavian language known from around 200 AD. Around 1100-1200 AD, Danish became a distinctive language with a distinctive pronuncation. The period from 800-1100 AD is called Old Danish or Runic Danish, as our knowledge of the language is primarily based on runic inscriptions. In the 20th century, the advent of radio broadcasts in 1932 an…
Continuity and Discontinuity in Learning Careers: Potentials for a Learning Space in a Changing World focuses on the continuities and discontinuities of the learning careers and identities of non-traditional adult students in diverse learning contexts. Readership: All those interested in adult education and the challenges facing adult education today such as researchers in education and social …
The present publication constitutes the Proceedings of Session 7 of the ‘Creation of landscapes VI’ workshop, hosted by the CAU Kiel in 2019. The session was entitled ‘Mediterranean Connections – how the sea links people and transforms identities’. With our focus on the linkage of people, this volume can be understood as a contribution to recent network research. But network research,…
She wrote political pamphlets in the 1790s, opposing Britain's declaration of war against France, defending democratic government and popular education, and campaigning for the repeal of the Test Acts that had long excluded Nonconformist Protestants (those who would not subscribe, as a "test" of their loyalty, to the thirty-nine Articles of the Established Church) from the public life of the na…
Good nutrition and access to an adequate diet and health are essential for child growth and development, body maintenance and protection from both infectious and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in adult life. Adequate nutrition and a healthy productive population are increasingly recognized not only as resulting from but also as an important prerequisite for poverty reduction and economic and …
This transdisciplinary volume investigates the ways in which people and organisations deal with the overflow of information, goods or choices. It explores two main themes: the emergence of overflows and the management of overflows, in the sense of either controlling or coping with them. Individual chapters show the management of overflows taking place in various social settings, periods and pol…