Achieving happiness while excelling at your career. What is the nature of human happiness, and how do we achieve it in the course of our professional lives? And is it even worth pursuing? This book explores answers to these questions with research into how happiness is measured, frameworks for personal behaviors, management techniques that build happiness in the workplace—and warnings t…
Using long-ignored constitutions of various Jewish organizations, this unique book uncovers the political history of Canadian Jewry since its beginning during the 1700s. Building on the premise that Jews, since time immemorial, have written down their values and ideologies, this study effectively demonstrates how these writings record the principles and values that motivated a community.
Ablasio retina regmatogen terjadi karena interaksi berbagai faktor seperti pencairan vitreus, traksi vitreoretinal, dan lesi predisposisi yang berpotensi menimbulkan robekan. Ablasio retina regmatogen spontan biasanya diawali oleh Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD). Faktor risiko dari ablasio retina adalah miopia, jenis kelamin, usia, riwayat keluarga dengan ablasio, trauma, afakia dan penyaki…
This volume demonstrates how the Hundred Years War (1337–1453) provides a necessary context for late medieval literature. Many of the major writers of the period, in a variety of different languages, lived either all or most of their lives under the shadow of war, including Geoffrey Chaucer, Christine de Pizan, Giovanni Boccaccio and Bridget of Sweden. The essays collected here investigate ho…
In many esoteric traditions, there exists an iconic or linguistic corollary between the concepts of ‘poisoner’ and ‘sorcerer’, suggesting a sinistral magical kinship. Indeed, the use of plant, animal and mineral toxins is a strand of magic originating in remotest antiquity and reaching the present day. Beyond its mundane function as an agent of corporeal harm, poisons have also served a…
Artificial Earth: A Genealogy of Planetary Technicity offers an intellectual history of humanity as a geological force, focusing on a prevalent contradiction in the Anthropocene discourse on global environmental change: on the one hand, it has been argued that there are hardly any pristine environments anymore, to the degree that the concept of nature has lost its meaning; while on the other, t…
Humans have a long history of using fire and it is difficult to separate humaninfluence from the natural occurrence of fire on the landscape (Pyne1997). Forcenturies, Native Americans used fire as a tool for multiple purposes, includingagriculture, managing wildlife habitat and hunting grounds, and cultural practices.As a result of lightning fires and Native American burning, as well as agricul…
A sprawling, evocative, and groundbreaking autobiographical novel told in the unforgettable and hilarious voice of a young Iranian refugee. It is a powerfully layered novel that poses the questions: Who owns the truth? Who speaks it? Who believes it?
R is both a programming language and an environment used in data analytics, statistical computing, and scientific research. It is amongst the best programming languages for researchers, data analysts, statisticians, and marketers. They use R to retrieve, clean, analyze, visualize and then present their data. Some of the reasons behind the increasing popularity in the use of R are an easy to use…