Nutrition before, during and after training or a sporting event can improve the comfort, energy and performance of athletes of all levels, from elite to recreational, as well as providing long-term health benefits. Nutrition for Sport, Exercise and Performance offers a clear, practical and accessible guide to the fundamentals of sport and exercise nutrition. The expert authors begin by expla…
In recent years, the Dallas Museum of Art has expanded its collection of South Asian art from a small number of Indian temple sculptures to nearly 500 works, including Indian Hindu and Buddhist sculptures, Himalayan Buddhist bronze sculptures and ritual objects, artwork from Southeast Asia, and decorative arts from India’s Mughal period. Artworks in the collection have origins from the former…
Moral judgments are the most significant social inferences people make about others and themselves. Those who are judged to be immoral are not just thought to be mistaken or misguided, but unacceptable in a fundamental way: corrupt, untrustworthy, malevolent, and possibly even evil. Moral philosophers’ detailed conceptual analyses of the nature of these judgments, along with psychologists’ …
Examen adalah sebuah doa yang diperkenalkan oleh St. Ignasius Loyola dalam Latihan Rohani, di mana kita diajak menemukan dan meneliti gerak roh di dalam hidup harian kita. Melalui pemeriksaan batin, kita mencoba menarik keluar pengalaman atau peristiwa yang kita alami untuk melihat kehadiran Allah, Sang Penyelenggara Kehidupan. Oleh karena itu, fokus perhatian ketika menjalani doa Examen bukanl…
It was in the autumn of the year 1828, that an elderly and infirm gentleman was slowly pacing up and down in a large dining-room. He had apparently finished his dinner, although it was not yet five o'clock, and the descending sun shone bright and warm through the windows, which were level with the ground, and from which there was a view of a spacious park, highly ornamented with old timber.…
ASTRONOMI DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN RUANG ANGKASA ( Halaman 1-284) Bagian ini membahas tentang jagad raya dan seluk beluknya, mulai dari langit, rahasia di ruang angkasa yaitu fenomena seperti bintang hantu dan kuasar, matahari dan benda-benda langit yang membentuk tata surya, cara astronot mempersiapkan diri ke ruang angkasa, hingga tentang kemungkinan kehidupan di planet lain dan tentang piring …
ASTRONOMI DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN RUANG ANGKASA ( Halaman 1-47) KOMPUTER DAN MATEMATIKA ( Halaman 48-201) Dalam bagian ini kita mempelajari cara membuat program komputer dan cara penggunaannya. Bidang penting tentang matematika: berhitung, aljabar, planimetri dan geometri ruang, trigonometri, geometri, analitik, dan kalkulus. Beberapa penerapan matematika dalam statistika, probabilitas, dan te…