Everyone knows Vietnam for its turbulent environment during the second half of the 20th century, but few know that archaeologists believe that civilization there existed as far back as the Bronze Age. Vietnam's history runs rampant with clashing dynasties, civil wars and power struggles between the North and South, and conflicts with neighboring and other countries. First ruled under China's cl…
The first Creighton Lecture took place on 4 October 1907, almost seven years after the death of the scholar and bishop whom it honoured. Apart from being delivered by a lifelong friend, its published version stands in no discernible relation to Mandell Creighton himself, except for treating of his narrower patria, the Anglo-Scottish border. In fact the whole subsequent lect…
Rice straw is a residual byproduct of rice production at harvest. The total biomass of this residue depends on various factors such as varieties, soils and nutrient man-agement and weather. At harvest, rice straw is piled or spread in the field depending on the harvesting methods, using stationary threshers or self-propelled combine harvesters, respectively. The amount of rice straw t…
Critical theory emerged in the 1920s from the work of the Frankfurt School, the circle of German-Jewish academics who sought to diagnose—and, if at all possible, cure—the ills of society, particularly fascism and capitalism. In this book, Stephen Eric Bronner provides sketches of leading representatives of the critical tradition (such as George Lukács and Ernst Bloch, Theodor Adorno and Wa…
Histories of migration to the United States are also a history of American photogra-phy. Yet, the relationship between these histories are rarely discussed in surveys of the history of photography in America. Neither are immigrants’ uses and circula-tion of photographs discussed in the historiographies of the European immigration to the United States.1 However, US migration history and the hi…
The mammalian order catacea includes three suborders: the archaeoceti ancient whales, extinct forms known only from fossils. including at least ten living species of baleen or whalebone whale; and the odontoceti or toothed whales, including about 70 living species of dolphins, porpoises, and whales with teeth but no baleen. So far, humans have not driven any cetacean species to extinction, alth…
Plants are often considered of secondary importance to ani-mal or even insect species, even though they are equally threat-ened by rising temperatures and changing ecologies and function as cornerstones of any given ecology. Plants are vital resources for understanding current and future ecologies, and our parallel human culture and society. We hope to contribute to the revalu-ation of the sign…
The various multidimensional derivatives take on more complicated forms in non-Cartesian coordinates such as cylindrical or spherical. You can derive the Laplacian for these other coordinate systems by changing variables and rewriting the unit vectors starting from the above Cartesian expression. Throughout this book we will often encounter sets of linear equations. (They are called linear equa…