I forget who first jokingly defined sculpture as something you bump into when you step back to look at a painting. I n any case, like most witticisms, this one contains a germ o f truth: both the general public and scholars pay more attention to painting than to sculpture. There are undoubtedly many reasons for this. We are a society geared to experiencing things on a flat plane rather than in …
This open access book introduces vignette research to new and experienced researchers by guiding them through its history, theory and underlying principles before delving into step-by-step practical guidance on how to do vignette research. Vignette research is an innovative qualitative, narrative and phenomenological research methodology that has gained international recognition, sparking inter…
The anthology Explorative Perspectives in Music and Education resulted from the MiU22 conference and seeks to support diverse dialogues. The publication, which is multimodal and interdisciplinary, explores how academic, artistic, and pedagogical research and performative work within the realm of music and education intertwine with the central theme. The anthology aims to objectively explore the…
Archaeological findings have indicated that Southern Africa is the land from which humankind’s ancestors evolved, between 3 million and 1 million years ago. Indeed, it is probable that the indigenous San, Pygmy, and Khoekhoe peoples of Southern Africa are linked genetically to that earlier, ancient population. Little, if anything, is known about interaction among these particular early group…
ost descendants grow up with a ‘lived history’ of the war in the family before they possess a ‘learned history’.7 When I began interviewing British descendants, I was initially taken aback by how little they knew about what their mothers and fathers did during the war. Some turned to fiction to fill in the gaps. Rosemary Game’s father was a tunnell…
How Democracy Survives explores how liberal democracy can better adapt to the planetary challenges of our time by evolving beyond the Westphalian paradigm of the nation state. The authors bring perspectives from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America, their chapters engaging with the concept of transnational democracy by tracing its development in the past, assessing its perform…
The present volume does not generally focus on the question of whether thoughts (cognition) or feelings (emotion) are more functional. Rather, this introductory material is sufficient to make the case that, typically, thoughts and feelings are seen to be distinct entities with distinct effects (e.g., Epstein, 1994). Yet, it has become increasingly apparent that cognition and emotion often inter…
Swimming is one of the most popular sports in world. Unlike other sports, swimming is a life skill that is taught, first, to ensure safety and, secondly, for sports and competition purposes. This coaching guide will assist the coach in teaching skills and strategy that will allow the Special Olympics athlete to become a successful swimmer and competitor. Swimming is one of the most popular spor…
Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t have to be an ace electrician or a coding prodigy to develop your own game-changing invention. All you need is curiosity, a desire to fix a common problem, and the determination to see your ideas become reality. And it won’t hurt to have this book handy—a volume full of vital tips, skills, and strategies that will take you from zero to inventor. …
War and its legacy are traumatic to individuals, communities, and landscapes. The impacts last long beyond the events themselves and shape lives and generations. Archaeology has a part to play in the recording of, and recovery from, such trauma. The Falklands War Mapping Project delivers the first intensive archaeological survey of the battlefields of the Falklands War. The project is pioneerin…