This book came about as a major dissemination output of the BlueHealth Project (, a large, integrated interdisciplinary research project carried out under the European Union Horizon 2020 Research Frame-work Programme between 2016 and 2020. The project took an international and innovative, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach to heal…
Now Find Your Why picks up where Start With Why left off. It shows you how to apply Simon Sinek’s powerful insights so that you can find more inspiration at work -- and in turn inspire those around you. I believe fulfillment is a right and not a privilege. We are all entitled to wake up in the morning inspired to go to work, feel safe when we’re there and return home fulfilled at the en…
My experience with StarCraft could be mapped into three periods that represent the history of the game itself. I was introduced to real-time strat-egy (RTS) games when my cousin brought their copy of Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (Blizzard Entertainment 1994) at my grandparents’ house. My brother and I got the game quickly after and, as most players from the early 1990s, I was playing es…
‘Books are for white people.’ It’s an old idea, and historically, mostly a true one, at least in British publishing. Not only have most books, including children’s books, been written for and about white people in Britain, the scholarly and critical histories of literature, including children’s literature, have focused on these same books and their presumed-white audie…
This section gathers nineteenth-century boggart ephemera, particularly from newspapers but also from magazines, rare books and broadsides. Given the space constraints, I concentrate on material that other researchers might have trouble finding. I have typically included here actual boggart news (everything from ‘boggart hunts’ to children dying from boggart stories, sic)…
Asking is one of the simplest and most familiar of human actions, and has a right to be thought of as single most powerful and most variously cohering form of social-symbolic gesture. Because so much is at stake in the act of asking, asking, or asking for, almost anything, whether information, help, love or respect, can be asking for trouble, so a great deal of care must be taken with the ways …
Menyintas Dai Nippon Kehidupan Gereja Katolik Indonesia pada zaman penjajahan Jepang ibarat lembaran buku sejarah yang hilang. Dibandingkan dengan narasi historis tentang Gereja Katolik pada umumnya yang sering tampil sebagai kisah gemilang tarekat misionaris Belanda dan tokohnya tempo doeloe, sejarah Gereja Katolik pada masa Jepang, belum terungkap lugas. Kalau pun ada cerita tentangnya, na…
Doctoral education has become a key element of the higher education landscape everywhere. With the spread of higher education massification and the rise of the global knowledge economy that began in the late twentieth century and continues today, doctoral education has expanded tremendously. There have been significant changes in doctoral education worldwide in the twent…
Agricultural development in Asia has undergone multiple phases and has experienced a remarkable evolution that also advanced general economic development. The region has become a major agricultural producer in the world due to the Green Revolution in the second half of the twentieth century (Hazell 2009). In particular, its rice exports have become essentia…
magine I tell you that Maddy is bad. Perhaps you infer from my intonation, or thecontext in which we are talking, that I mean morally bad. Additionally, you willprobably infer that I am disapproving of Maddy, or saying that I think you shoulddisapprove of her, or similar, given typical linguistic conventions and assuming I amsincere. However, you might not get a more detailed sense of the parti…