Science is the ultimate pursuit of knowledge, so with that in mind, read on to learn interesting new facts and open the doors in your mind that you didn't even know were there. Enjoy!
Als Siegfried Landshut im Februar 1950 zwei Gastvorträge im Hauptgebäude derUniversitätHamburghielt,kehrteererstmalsandenOrtzurück,vondemerknapp17 Jahre zuvor als Jude vertrieben worden war.1Zum Sommersemester 1951 erhielter dann den neu eingerichteten Lehrstuhl für die »Wissenschaft von der Politik«,einen der ersten seiner Art in der Bundesrepublik. An der Etablierung der Poli-tikwissen…
From the days of the Greek cartographers dreaming about Ultima Thule at the edges of the known world, the cold reaches of the northern hemi-sphere have inspired grandiose caricatures of risk and opportunity. The region is often imagined from a distance as sublime, exceptional and prone to extremes. Out of space and out of time, as Poe put it, the cir-cumpolar North is frequently …
In history, there are both periods of relative stability and critical nodal points, when specific turns of events and choices have an impact on which path the next phase of history will take (for the concept of nodal point, see Bhaskar 1986, 217 and Patomäki 2006, 9–18; for world-historical examples of counterfactual turning points, see Tetlock et al. 2006). A r…
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize the increasingly complex, interdependent nature of societal and environmental issues for governments and business. Tackling such "grand challenges" requires the concerted action of a multitude of organizations and multiple stakeholders at different levels in the public, private, and non-profit sector. Organizing for Sustainable Development prov…
There is no doubt that technology in all its form has become an integral part of our lives. Yet very few of us understand exactly how it all works. However, volume 3 of the How It Works of Amazing Technology will educate and inform readers about some of the world's most innovative gadgets, impressive constructions and unbeliavable developments in artificial intelligence. With our in-depth guide…
Computing systems are everywhere today. Even the brain is thought to be a sort of computing system. But what does it mean to say that a given organ or system computes? What is it about laptops, smartphones, and nervous systems that they are deemed to compute, and why does it seldom occur to us to describe stomachs, hurricanes, rocks, or chairs that way? The book provides an extended argument fo…
The purpose of the anthology is to provide stories with ample and accurate astronomy spanning a range of topics covered in introductory courses. Instructors in high school and college may find these stories useful, as some students may learn concepts more easily through story than from lecture. Fans of science fiction with good science should also enjoy these stories. Contributions include both…