Nativism is the idea that a certain group of people can be identied as original to, or the rightful heirs to, a geopolitical territory; consequently, “natives” claim the privilege of deciding who belongs and who counts as an “outsider” based on supposed foreign connections. The case could be made that nativism in this sense is universal. Nativist movements stress the …
With the sun straight overhead, the vacationers point their car toward the town of Barreirinhas, not far from the promised paradise of Brazil’s Lençóis Maranhenses, a national park since 1981. The road is nearly deserted, the land-scape dotted by only a few villages, some scattered adobe houses, and a bar here and there. Large expanses of land have been burned off to give way to…
Imagination bzw.Einbildungskraft bezeichnetdie Fähigkeit,Ideen und Bildersowohl im Geiste alsauch mit HilfevonMedien zu kreieren.¹Zentral ist dabei diementaleund durch Medien wie z. B. Bilder, Karten undTexte materialisierteVi-sualisierungvonetwas hier und jetzt (noch) nicht Präsentem odervonetwas, dassich möglicherweise niemals realisieren wird. Imaginationen sindkeine irrealenHirngespinst…
Schools of art represent one of the building blocks of art history. The notion of a school of art emerged in artistic discourse and disseminated across various countries in Europe during the early modern period. Whilst a school of art essentially denotes a group of artists or artworks, it came to be configured in multiple ways, encompassing different meanings of learning, origin, style, or nati…
To tease out the evolution of institutions, organisations and transport requires a broad search of historical accounts written both in English and in Japanese. Published in English, there is scholarship rich in details of ancient and modern aspects of Japan, its politics and economy. Computer search engines and the website Academia allow access to data bases th…
In 1887, as a result of the federalization of Buenos Aires carried out at the begin-ning of the decade, the government of the Province of Buenos Aires transferred to the national government additional land to enlarge the capital, from which, a year later, its definitive limits were to be drawn (the current General Paz Avenue).1The municipality had until then a little over 4,000 he…
Lynda Mugglestone's hugely popular The Oxford History of English is now updated and entirely reset in a new edition featuring David Crystal's new take on the future of English in the wider world. In accounts made vivid with examples from a vast range of documentary evidence that includes letters, diaries, and private records, fifteen scholars trace the history of English from its ancient Ind…
This book takes as its object of investigation an array of traumatic heritage sites and spaces of memory, including museums, former detention camps, and sites of commemoration, in Europe, Argentina, and Colombia, to investigate how various traumatic pasts can be preserved and transmitted through space, and which kind of actions might be taken both to improve knowledge of the past and to serve a…
A white gallery wall is marked out at intervals to a length of twenty-five feet. Stretching out above, black capital letters stamp out the phrase “el cocodrilo de Humboldt no es el cocodrilo de Hegel” (Humboldt’s crocodile is not Hegel’s). Near the end on the left, a crocodile’s eye appears on a monitor; at the right, another shows its tail. José A…
We are inspired by and support UCL’s programme to liberate the curriculum alongside other programmes with similar aims. Women are too often excluded in the history of science, and this book aims to recover the voices, works and experiences of women in the production of knowledge through primary sources. This book offers university lecturers and tutors a diverse range of …