In the two decades since the debut of the Digital Earth (DE) vision, a con-certed international effort has engaged in nurturing the development of a technologyframework and harnessing applications to preserve the planet and sustain humansocieties. Evolutionary threads can be traced to key historic and multidisciplinaryfoundations, which were presciently articulated and represented at the first …
In the past few decades, scholars have celebrated the end of history and pro-claimed its rebirth. Outside the walls of the academy, in the media, it is easy to find claims that readers and viewers are “witnessing” (or consuming) history, that certain events, from pie- eating contests to war catastrophes and natural phenomena, are “historical.” Govern…
This food preservation manual is written to assist the parent or club leader in teaching young people about food safety and preservation through hands-on activities. If you are introducing yourself or youth to the world of food preservation, this is a fun place to begin! As a leader you will need this manual, which includes lists of materials and handouts to be copied. Each youth should have th…
The various multidimensional derivatives take on more complicated forms in non-Cartesian coordinates such as cylindrical or spherical. You can derive the Laplacian for these other coordinate systems by changing variables and rewriting the unit vectors starting from the above Cartesian expression. Throughout this book we will often encounter sets of linear equations. (They are called linear equa…
For more than 150 years, since the publication of On the Origin of Species, biologists have focused on understanding the evolutionary chronicle of diversification and extinction, and the underlying evolutionary processes that have produced it. Although progress in evolutionary biology has been steady since Darwin’s time, developments in the last 20 years have ushered in a golden era of evolut…
Governing is the art of planning and predicting. Developing a picture of long-term jobs and skills requirements is critical for policymakers as they navigate rapid, complex and uncertain shifts in the economy and society. A wide range of areas – from curriculum development and careers guidance through apprenticeships and workplace training to occupational standards, migration and social insur…
Fifteen to twenty billion years ago, the universe arose as a cataclysmic eruption of hot, energy-rich subatomic particles. Within seconds, the simplest elements (hydrogen and helium) were formed. As the universe expanded and cooled, material condensed under the influence of gravity to form stars. Some stars became enormous and then exploded as supernovae, releasing the energy needed to fuse sim…
Across the world, fisheries provide direct employment for around 38.982million people (Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO], 2020). In many coastal regions of the world, and particularly in many low-income contexts, fishing livelihoods remain the primary economic activity. Globally, they make significant contributions towards food and nutrition security, and are …
In this chapter you will look closely at what automatic controls are supposed to do. The elements necessary to provide control are presented. These are often arranged by how they control, either open loop or closeed loop. Examples of each are given. Control systems are also classified by what they control. Servomechanism control systems (control of movement) and process control systems (control…
This textbook contains eleven contens like systems of linear equations and matrices, determinants, vectors in two space and three space, vector spaces, inner product spaces, eigenvalues, linear transformations, apllications, introduction to numerical methods of linear algebra, complex vector spaces, and applications of linear algebra